Super Squirrel 
Here is a story describing a typical day in the life of a Super Squirrel!
“Wake up!” squeaked Super Squirrel energetically.
The rest of the family groaned as usual.
“What’s the time?” Dad said sleepily.
“Morning!” replied Super Squirrel.
“Okay” Dave his brother said reluctantly.
“Great let's get breakfast then!“ said Super Squirrel happily.
They quickly wolfed down their acorn-flakes.
Then decided to go acorn hunting.
“Don't forget to check for acorn bombs!” Dave called over his shoulder.
“Super sense!” muttered Super Squirrel, he waited but then said, “This is a bomb!”
“Are you sure?” Dave said.
“Yes, but you can check! Here catch!” Super Squirrel said.
Dave then said, “Super Sense” confidently waited then said “well I’m sure too this is a bomb!”
“What are we going to do?” Super Squirrel asked.
“Tell Dad, he will know what to do!” Dave said. “Okay let's tell him!” Super Squirrel said.
So they walked up to their home tree.
“Dad!” Dave said “We found an bomb what should we do with it?”
“Let me see!” Dad said in the sleepy voice as before.
He sat up and peered at the bomb then said, “They are trying to bomb us!”
“Who?” asked the rest of the family.
Dad answered, “The Monkeys, a long time ago we won a war against them. Now they are trying to get revenge. We must tell the other squirrels because they will also get bombed!”
“Okay!” said Super Squirrel “What are we going to do with this one then?
Dad whimpered, “We must get it as far away as possible!”
“Then we should just teleport it away.., well then TELEPORT!” Super Squirrel shouted and he disappeared and in another 10 seconds he was back without the bomb.
“Well let's tell the other squirrels, first I want to go back to bed” said Dad.
“Already?” said Super Squirrel but Dad was already snoring.
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